Do I have insurance coverage, when I apply pesticides to the property that I own IF ... I damage my land or I am required to “clean up” the land . . . 1. Does it make a difference if the damage comes from one identifiable incident or if the damage is the cumulative effect of years of pesticide application? 2. Is this coverage available from my current insurer? 3. Does the likelihood of that happening warrant the additional premium? I am injured or a family member or an employee is injured . . . 1. W hat about accident insurance? Workers compensation? Employer’s liability endorsement? 2. Does my liability insurance coverage have an environmental damage exclusion? 3. Will my liability insurance coverage respond if the damage to the third party is a result of my “illegal act”? 4. What is the difference between my occurrence limit and my aggregate limit? 5. What if I am on the road and a spill happens? A neighboring property is ...
Pesticide Safety Certification and Training for Farmers and Pesticide Vendors