A high tunnel is a single or
multi-bay walk-in structure without a foundation, typically covered with
impermeable material and set over crops in a field.
is different from a greenhouse. A greenhouse is a permanent, enclosed, walk-in
structure where crops grow in a media on elevated benches, containers or
troughs placed on the ground. Farmers control the environment, such as
temperature, humidity and ventilation, and pesticide drift stays inside the
Pesticide labels don’t have
specific directions for use in high tunnels.
You may use pesticides with directions for either greenhouse or field uses for
a specific pest and crop. If possible, choose a pesticide that has directions
for both field and greenhouse uses.
A high tunnel
environment is unique. It is neither a greenhouse nor a field. When using pesticides inside high tunnels,
remember that:
Take precautions:
- Wear the most protective clothing
and personal protective equipment stated on the label or use a closed cab to
reduce exposure.
- Apply pesticides registered for
field crops when the cover is off the high tunnel.
- Use the longest Restricted Entry
Interval (REI) and Pre-Harvest Interval stated on the label for greenhouse and/or
field use. If an REI is not stated, use a 12 hour REI.
- Test for the possibility of crop
injury on a small area before treating the entire crop.
- Prevent the spray from drifting
outside the high tunnel when using a pesticide registered for use only in a greenhouse.
If possible close the sides and ends of the tunnel.
- Follow the buffer zones if using a pesticide registered for field crops.